Author Guidelines

Manuscripts must meet these author guidelines before submitted to editors for simplify the publishing process. This author's guide consists of the JATAMA style and will be accompanied by a manuscript template.

This author guideline is applied to manuscripts published in the period Desember 2021 onwards.

      1. Manuscripts are summary of research.

      2. Manuscripts are prepared in Bahasa or English.

      3. Article must be written in the correct scientific language.

      4. Manuscripts must be written with narration without any numbering.

      5. Article will be denied if it’s been sent or is in the process of being submitted or reviewed in other journal.

      6. Manuscripts should be submitted directly to JATAMA OJS (Open Journal System) (

      7. Every submitted article will be blind-reviewed by minimum two reviewers.

      8. When required, the editor will change and, or fix spelling, and correct the grammar of the article without changing its substantial meaning.

      9. After the article meets the structure standards, the management team will conduct a plagiarism test using a reference application (turnitin/plagscan). The author(s) is prohibited from conducting plagiarism testing without the knowledge of the management team. The maximum plagiarism score is 20%. The author will be asked to revise the article if the article does not meet the maximum plagiarism limit.

      10. JATAMA publish its journal 4 times in a year, on February, May, August, and November. Article must be sent at least one month before the month of publication (December, March, June, and September).

      1. Article must be written in Ms. Word. Paper size use A4 and margin as follows.

        Top = 3,5 cm Left = 2,5 cm
        Bottom = 3,5 cm Right = 2,0 cm
      2. Header 2,5 cm and footer 1,25 cm

      3. Use only Font Calibri with size 12 at title and 11 at manuscript body.
      4. The manuscript consists of 10–20 pages and written in one space.
      5. One column page layout
      6. Every subchapter is not numbered. Font Calibri, size 11, and bold.
      7. New paragraph is written in indent, the first line length at indent is 1 cm, except for first paragraph is not using indent.
      8. Words in foreign language is written in italic
      9. Number is written in number except for number in the first sentence and integers less than ten should be spelled.
      10. Decimal numbers should be written using coma and there are three numbers after coma.
      1. First part consist of:

        1. title

        2. author name

        3. article information (receive date, revision, accepted and Jiel classification), this part will be filled by the editor. 

        4. abstract

      2. Main part consist of:
        1. introduction (proportion: 10% from manuscript content)
        2. - hypothesis development (for quantitative research with hypothesis, proportion: 15% from manuscript content)
          - literature review (for qualitative research, proportion: 15% from manuscript content)
        3. research method (proportion: 10% from manuscript content)
        4. result and discussions (proportion: 60% from manuscript content)
        5. conclusion (proportion: 5% from manuscript content)
      3. Last part consist of:
        1. symbol information (if needed)

        2. reference

      1. Title format: font Calibri, font size 12 pt, bold, one space, and less than 12 words. Content guidelines: (1) title is made to attract readers by avoiding the words such as; ‘the effect of’, ‘the impact of’, ‘the analyze of’, and another same kind word, (2) research implication is allowed to be set as the research title.

      2. Author name is written below the article title in the format: Font Calibri, font size 11, without degree, without abbreviation. Author name is sorted from first author, then second author, etc.

      3. All authors' institutions must be written down, Font Calibri, font size 11, without abbreviation.

      4. Email only correspondence author’s email, written below the author name, font calibration, 11 pt and italic style.

      1. Abstract is written in English and Bahasa. If the article is made in Bahasa then the abstract should be presented on Bahasa first then followed by an abstract in English (use italic style), vice versa.
      2. Abstract title format: Font Calibri, size 11 pt, center, and bold.
      3. Abstract format: Font Calibri, size 10 pt, justify, one space.
      4. Keyword is written after abstract
      5. Keyword format: Font Calibri, size 10 pt, justify, one space, and bold
      6. Every keyword separated with semicolon (;), keyword is sorted by alphabet, First letter in every word using small letter. Keyword is not allowed to be abbreviated.
      1. Content Guidelines
        1. Abstract should be consist of: (1) research purpose (one sentence), (2) research method (three sentences including: population and sample and data analyze method), (3) research result (two sentences), (4) research implication result (two sentences), and (5) maximum 200 words.
        2. Keywords is determined with: (1) maximum five keywords, (2) most important word or phrase and frequently appear in the manuscript; (3) can be developed and narrowed by words related to the topic; (4) allowed to use including thesaurus, list of subject headers, library of congress subject headings, sears list subject heading, macro thesaurus (economic), etc; (5) not allowed to use person’s name, rule type, location name.
      2. Writing Guidelines
      1. Introduction consist of: (1) Research background, (2) research purpose.
      2. Background is explaining clearly about research issue and gap analysis or research novelty. Must support by previous data or research. 
      3. Research purpose is explaining about what the research goals which relate to research background. Research purpose is presented in narration (not poin over poin).
      4. Introduction consist of five to ten sentences and in every paragraph should be at least one quote (neither data nor previous research).
      1. Introduction title format: Font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bold, uppercase
      2. Introduction body format: follow the general writing guidelines
      3. Introduction only consist of one chapter without sub-chapater (between background and purpose is not separated)
      1. Content Guidelines
      2. Writing Guidelines
    7. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT (for quantitative research with hypothesis)
      1. Literature review consist of issue, theory, previous research, phenomenon which related to the research.
      2. Hypothesis development is not consist of any common definitions about theory or research variable, but it is all about rationalization of how those literatures underlie and support the hypothesis development.
      3. Hypothesis development explain about the reasoning of how the hypothesis is made, not again about any common definitions and not only consist of previous research support.
      1. Literature review and hypothesis development is allowed to consist of any sub-chapter.
      2. Literature review and hypothesis development title format: Font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bold, uppercase.
      3. Sub chapter title format: Font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bold, capitalize each word, without numbering.
      4. Literature review body format: follow the general writing guidelines
      5. Hypothesis should be symbolize with ‘H’ followed by number or hypothesis label with subscript. Hypothesis statement is written after hypothesis title followed with colon (:).
      6. Hypothesis format: Font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bold. First word of hypothesis statement should not capitalized.
        Example: H1: the corporate profit is affecting to the corporate value.
      1. Content Guidelines
      2. Writing Guidelines
      1. Content Guidelines
        1. Literature review consist of issue, theory, previous research, phenomenon which related to the research.

        2. Hypothesis development is not consist of any common definitions about theory or research variable, but it is all about rationalization of how those literatures underlie and support the hypothesis development. 

        3. In the qualitative research, the literature review can be like the theories, the phenomenon, or previous research that related to the research.

      2. Writing Guidelines
        1. Literature review is allowed to consist of some sub-chapter adjust to the amount of theory that underlie the research.

        2. Literature review title format: font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bolded, and Uppercase.

        3. Literature review sub-chapter title format: font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bolded, capitlize Each Word, and without numbering.

        4. The format of content in the chapter literature review using the same rule as in the common writing guidelines.

      1. Content Guidelines
        1. Research method explain about the research method to answer the research purpose which have been told in the introduce section.

        2. Research method should be containing: (1) research type, (2) research population and sample (with choice sample method clearly), (3) source and collecting data method, (4) variable operationalization (if using variable), (5) data analyze method.

        3. If the type of research is qualitative research then should be stated clearly the used analyze method

        4. In the research method no need to add the definitions about the research method.

      2. Writing Guidelines
        1. Research method is allowed to consist of some sub-chapters.

        2. Literature review and hypothesis development title format: Font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bold, uppercase.

        3. Sub-chapter title format: Font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bold, capitalize each word. 

        4. If it is required formula then should be sorted with number.

        5. Formula should be showed using equation on Ms. Word (see additional rules)

      1. Result and discussion should be consist of:

        (1) statistic result, 

        (2) statistic result interpretation, 

        (3) research result discussion (required and not presented separately from the result)
      2. Discussion is one of the important part of the research. Discussion include the rationalization explain of research result, the suitable or the difference research result with the previous research, and researcher opinion related to the research result.
      3. Do not stated any definitions.
      1. Content Guidelines (for quantitative research)
      2. Content Guidelines (for qualitative research)
        1. Result and discussion should be consist of: 

          (1) observation result, 

          (2) observation result interpretation, 

          (3) research result discussion (required and not presented separately from the result)

        2. Discussion is one of the important part of the research. Discussion include the rationalization of the result, relation with with the previous research, deep result analysis, and researcher’s opinion related to the research result.
        3. On the discussion no need to show any definitions.
      3. Writing Guidelines

        1. Research method allowed to consist of some of sub-chapter 

        2. Result and discussion title format: Font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bold, uppercase.

        3. Sub-chapter title format: font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bold, capitalize each word.

        4. Discussion is allowed to consist of sub-chapters.

        5. If presenting a table please follow additional rules about the table.

      1. Content Guidelines
        1. Conclusion consist of: (1) Research result conclusion and (2) research result implication 

        2. Conclusion means of the summarize of research discussion, no need to explained the statistic results nor interpretation from statistic results but directly discuss to the rationalization of the statistic results.

        3. Research implication is the impact or direct result from research result. What the contribution of the research result over the existed theory? Is the research result supported the previous related research result or not? What the contribution of the research result over the practice? Et cetera. 

        4. Do not stated about research limitation.

      2. Writing Guidelines
        1. Conclusion title format: font Calibri, size 11 pt, justify, one space, bold, uppercase.

        2. Conclusion is maximum consist of two paragraphs.

        3. Do not separate between conclusions and implications.

      1. Content Guidelines
        1. Reference consist of all reference that use on the article.

        2. Articles published in JATAMA are recommended to be used as citation references and included in the bibliography.

        3. Required to use the reference application, namely Mendeley.

        4. Reference should refer to APA (American Psychological Association) 7th Edition.

        5. Use only last 10 years reference. Allowed to use the reference above 10 years last but only maximum 20% over the total reference.

        6. Do not use any reference from thesis.

        7. Use only at least 15 reference with 70% from primary literature (ex: research article/papers) and 30% from another source.

      2. Writing Guidelines 
        See the additional rules about reference.
      1. Formula 
        Mathematical formula should be written clearly using Microsoft Equation or other equal application and also should be given the numbering.
        Displaying 12-12.1-1.jpeg
      2. Table
        1. Every table should be titled consist of table number according to table sequence and table information showed the table content.

        2. Title is written above the table and bolded

        3. Table source should noted below the table except for the self-process table no need to note the source.

        4. Table is not allowed in the picture format (jpeg, png, etc)

        5. Do not copy and paste table from the output of statistical test tools

        Displaying 12-12.2-1.jpeg
      3. Image/Figure
        1. Every image/figure should be titled consist of image/figure number according to image/figure sequence and information showed image/figure content.

        2. Title is written below image/figure and bolded.

        3. Image/figure source should state below the image/figure.
          Displaying 12-12.3-1.jpeg

      4. Citation 
        Citation must use APA (American Psychological Association) 7th Edition Style. 

        Displaying Dapus 1.jpeg
        Displaying Dapus 2.jpeg
      5. Footnote
        1. Footnote is written on the same page with related text.

        2. Footnote format: font Calibri, size font 10 pt, one space.

        3. Footnote numbered in accordance with the related text with number format using superscript.

        4. Sentences in the footnote is not allowed to be cut to the next page. If the sentences is too long, it should be condensed.